I have an open mind and a collection of friends from nearly every walk of life. I invite their differences into my world because I think it brings color and perspective and I feel such a high level of security in what I choose for my life, that I never feel threatened by the choices of my Motley Crew. But when it comes to my home...my roommate...I guess I'm not so open. I've never really given it much thought and have just naturally found myself with rental options to live with conservative, like-minded friends.
Background - I've been in my current place just over 3 years. My roommate and I first lived together back in the college days and when she bought her home, I rented 2 rooms from her. We're friends, share a list of mutual friends, and still have enough of our own thing going on that there isn't much suffocation. She's starting grad school in the fall and in an effort to save some cash before it begins, has decided to move in with her dad (rent free) and rent out her entire home for a price far outside my budget. I knew it was coming and had a great destination picked...but lost that option earlier this week. I quickly found another option with a friend closing on a home at the very end of March. Then this afternoon, my current roommate let me know that she had a potential renter and wanted us out of here ASAP. Given my current employment situation, I've got plenty of time available to me, so I fired up Craigslist and started a search.
I quickly found that my "open mind" wasn't open enough. I appreciate the candor of those who posted the ads for roommates. Far better to know the intimate preferences and recreational drug usage of your prospects from the very beginning than have to deal with a messy breach of contract later...but wow!
As I looked through nearly 600 listings, I wondered, "Where are my people? Why aren't there more single/female/30-something/conservative/prude yet fun/affordable roommate seekers?" Why? Because those girls got married and currently have a husband and 5 non-paying roommates...they aren't looking for a pal to rent an extra room.
Lucky for me, I was able to talk a friend who had graduated to living alone into humoring me for a short while. I think it will be a fun arrangement. She has plenty of space for me and my things...including a spot in the garage - Hallelujah! It's a decent commute, but until I can figure out an employment situation...well it will be a short commute to my laptop and the Want Ads for work...maybe?
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