It all started with frustration around NPR's "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me". I could so rarely schedule the 11:00 a.m. Saturday air time into my week. But I craved it because....well, if you've heard an episode you get it, right? Intelligent, informed wit! Sexy right?
Anyhow, I thought perhaps these mystical Podcasts might include my little indulgence, but I ignorantly assumed that there would be a cost and you know where I stand on paying for things you can have for free.
Then one day, I found myself with hours and hours every day to fill up with things that I have always wanted to fill my days with, and...well, the details are fuzzy now, but I found them.. ten archived episodes!
My first obsession was to listen to every available "Wait, Wait" which I did with the intensity of an addict. But then, finding myself days away from the next airing, I went digging, curious to see what else might be out there. And guess what! There are a bajillion things you can listen to for free through Podcasts! And I have only begun to scratch the surface.
I will do a little plug and let you know that The Girl Who Writes Some Stuff (this blog), is a big fan of everything she's listened to from the How Stuff Works Podcast series. And that she's currently devouring the Stuff You Should Know archives. And she's not sure how this turned into a third person post...
So, Stuff You Should Know is totally Denney Geek Chic. Every episode makes me want to call at least one of my brothers to talk about some aspect of what I've learned. Sometimes it's near torture to have to listen alone without a chum to chat with! But today nearly killed me!
Seriously, I almost died. I was driving on the freeway listening to the 2.22.2011 episode about How Tickling Works and I started laughing...and that laughing escalated...and then the laugh tears started...and then my vision was affected....and then I really thought I needed to pull over, or pull it together, or die.
If you are ticklish, you should listen to it...but not while operating heavy machinery. It wouldn't be safe!
1 comment:
I have no idea how podcasts work either. You could let John know how they works. He would totally be into it I'm sure!
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