While many were waiting in great anticipation to be swept up into Heaven for Apocalypse 2011, I spent my day in Hale...a dramatic way of announcing that I spent 9 hours bouncing between auditions for The Hale Centre Theatres (SLC and Orem)!

SLC Hale at 10:00 a.m. to fill out paperwork and calm my nerves for "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". Truth is, it's a lousy show for female parts...but my coaches kept saying that auditioning is a numbers game, so I threw my hat into the ring. And I BLEW IT! Seriously, this isn't a self deprecating comment, my audition was laughable! So bad that it was beyond embarrassing. As I waited outside for callback information, I secretly prayed that I wouldn't get called back simply so that I wouldn't have to face the casting crew again...Prayer answered! meaning, they didn't want to face me again either! My confidence was s-h-o-t! I didn't want to finish out my day, and had others not been counting on me, I probably would have gotten take-out and spent the day watching T.V. and nursing a Diet Coke.

1:30 p.m. Mock monologue audition with a panel of local casting and talent. Against the wishes of my coach, I avoided the emotionally taxing "Joan of Arc", and read Lucy from "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown". While I should have taken the challenge of the dramatic scene, I really needed energy and a confidence boost, which I received. The panel was very complimentary and gave me enough confidence to remind me that I used to think this was a fun and good idea!

3:00 p.m. Mock vocal auditions with Ms. Bonnie. I would be revisiting "Always True to You in My Fashion" from "Kiss me Kate" in my evening audition, and I desperately needed this opportunity to get my mojo back. Whew! The confidence from the monologues and the familiarity of my coach and classmates reminded me again that while I'm having fun, I'm also pretty entertaining!

6:30 p.m. in Orem where all of the pressure would be. "The Drowsy Chaperone" is currently my favorite musical. It's soooo good in a train wreck sort of way and the Chaperone character is a dream role for me...this very audition was the thing that motivated me to set the goals and take the classes and the headshots! Being involved would be a dream!
The audition group was small, and I was much more calm. And boy did I entertain! I even elicited a tiny smile from the director and a "You're so fun to watch" from another auditioner! This theater doesn't offer callbacks immediately, so I'm checking my email every 30 minutes hoping for just the chance to be called back!
It's lofty to think that right out of the gate I'd land my favorite role in my favorite musical, but a girl can dream, right? I mean, that is what all if this is all about...me searching for a dream!