DAY 4 - Thank the heavens for ZipFizz! I would never have been able to be able to manage this hardworking day of sun worship.SIL Kristy has introduced our family and friends to her family's Shrimp Boil tradition, and it is such a cool meal at Lake Powell (although the CDC would have definitely advised that a finger licking meal would have been a rotten idea for our quarantined boat!)

This was also Pirate Day. Given the previous nights events, and the fact that the stomach bug appeared to be contagious, our camp spot was appropriately designated "Heave-Ho Cove" for the day. A map and key and treasure box were all discovered to produce a very impressive booty box (seriously, these kids have the very coolest/creative parents and grandparents).
As soon as the kids had settled into bed, we took off quick to find enough cell service to wish our missing brother Happy Birthday. While I know he would have loved to be at Powell with us, it was hard to feel too bad for him at his Hawaiian Resort with his family and our parents.
DAY 5 - By far, the hottest day of our trip. So much so, that I put tanning second next to reading my book and even polished off a few chapters in the shade.
There was a building of a bonfire and a visit from some childhood friends and their boys who were camped in a neighboring canyon.
We were in charge of fiesta day and in addition to providing a Nacho bar, we intended to have a pinata. We had all the goodies for one, but in a boneheaded move, I failed to pick one up. I did what I could with a black garbage bag and some water balloons to create a Meekus pinata.

The evening with the kids was finished off with S'mores, a bonfire, creative lighting of fireworks and a great time had by all. Once the kids were down, the parents started their own party. There's a game we made up years ago before there were young children on our trips. After dark, the boys would use a 3-man water balloon launcher to shoot water balloons straight up above us on the deck. We'd then sit still in anticipation waiting for it to come back down. Most of the time, the sickening thud on the top of the boat was a huge moment of relief as you found yourself safe and dry...occasionally...you'd find yourself less lucky. The game doesn't work so well with sleeping babies on board...But with a fantastic rock surface as our anchor spot, we took the game to the land. As the thrill fizzled out, John felt inspired to propose a Pirate raid on our neighbor friend's boat. Although they had small children on board, they had no women and the proposal was vetted. 7 parents and 5 single's climbed into the speedboat for a moonlit adventure.
The cliff-notes version is that after some gender arguments regarding who ruined the surprise, a very echo-y diet coke cameo, some covert black ops work by John and Brett, and some creative pot stirring by the McMullin siblings, the joke was had and our side felt victorious. We have been blessed with super fun friends who are willing to be part of the joke and/or graciously take the joke and/or appreciate the joke...which means we will probably never grow up!
DAY 6 - I've mentioned sun worship on every day...but the truth is I had been religious with the sunscreen all week. My master plan was to go al natural on the final day and let it burn baby! But the thick overcast clouds had a different plan. So the day was spent doing some sightseeing with the nephews as we played tourist in the Forgotten Canyon and at the Moki Steps.
By early evening, we began preparations to wrap up the week. Phase I cleaning began and we pulled anchor and headed for Hobie Beach.
DAY 7 - This is always the day when you really pay your dues for all the fun you've had. All of my final day memories have included a hot sweaty miserable cranky morning of cleaning. In the past we have waited until the final morning to head into the marina and consequently have had the added chaos of all the bodies on board. This year, we were able to dismiss the most distant travelers, the men, and the babies and do a more time efficient and effective clean. We were done so early that we were almost at risk being too early for Stan's!
Stan's is the last tradition of the Powell trip. It's a hamburger joint in Hanksville where you're fast food deprived body can get its fix with a burger/fry/oreo shake combo meal (Thanks John!)
The drives home were uneventful, which is crazy fortunate given the drowsy state of the drivers. My narcolepsy prevention of choice...Podcasts!
Geez, maybe I should just send readers over here for the update on Powell. You covered all the bases!
PS. Cole, Dan, and I had such a good laugh when we saw the above picture (and another that you didn't post) of John in black eyeliner. He really does look scarey.
"And this is what John would look like on Meth" - Dan.
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