Saturday, April 30, 2011
I'm a little sensitive about my vocabulary. I only scored in the 35th percentile when tested last week. I have some goals and tools to help quickly improve my vocabulary. Watching just a few minutes of the Royal Wedding coverage, I've already picked up two new words that I hope to be inserting into common conversation: Telly (aka television) and Knickers (aka underpants)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Close Call

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Fertile Myrtles!
All my recently married girls are getting recently pregnant! Found out today that my passport pounding home girl is fighting through maternity! I am loving all of the happy news!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Geographical Magic!

I have had the freedom to catch up with so many friends face to face, and that kicks the tar out of trying to keep in touch digitally! I become more and more appreciative of the environment in which I grew up. In addition to having an extra-ordinary home life, I was raised by a village of incredible people who love me and celebrate with me. The love and support from them is constant and unapologetic, and I recognize that it is a gift that many people never experience.
But having tasted it for a few days, I've become spoiled and want more! I don't know that I'm ready to give up on Salt Lake, and I'm not convinced that Denver is the correct "next step" little cartographic brain is trying like mad to shorten the distance between the two to create my own little Utopia!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
It's Still "Woody's" To Me
Monday, April 25, 2011

Aptitude testing can be helpful to people in many stages of life; upcoming high school graduates, college students searching for the right major, mid-life crisis sufferers (hello!), recently retired...really, anyone who wants to identify their strongest skills in an attempt to make decisions about what to do with their life in regards to education, career, pastimes, volunteer efforts, you know...anything.
I L-O-V-E-D the experience! The researchers are amazing women who I would love to spend time with personally or professionally. The tests are very fun...I really wanted to take them home and share them with my family. The lessons learned are...well...I guess it's different for everyone.
I'd read an article written by someone who had scored high in nearly every aptitude. There was something about what I read that gave me a lot of anxiety...I was worried that it might be my story as well. See, my hope was to find my one or two strongest aptitudes to assist in narrowing down my options. However, I scored high in a majority of the aptitudes and found myself as direction-less as I began.
One thing was clear, my current career path was evidently a poor choice. It took a year of increasing stress and frustration for me to leave such an obviously bad job for me. And here I am with a computer printout full of promise but feeling completely useless. I'm meeting with the researchers again tomorrow with 2 intentions:
1.) When I received the results of my test, I was "married" to my job and had a hard time seeing myself doing anything else. I also was too terrified to do something as crazy as leaving a stable I didn't get as much out of the consultation discussion. Now that I find myself free to do absolutely anything, I'm optimistic that I'll be able to ask better questions and hear better answers.
2.) On my 3rd day, I was asked if I had interest in working for the Foundation. I was absolutely interested, but the geography was my only hold-up. As much as I would love to return to Colorado some day, I'm still convinced that my marrying odds are best in SLC and I just wasn't ready to make the change. I did send a letter of intent to the director, and took her silence as an indication that there wasn't an opportunity for me at the time. I've thought of the opportunity many times over the year and want to discuss the possibility of opening a center in SLC.
I'm optimistic that tomorrow evening I'll have the beginnings of a plan for the next steps...(I hope! I hope! I hope!)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
High School Reunion - Pt. II
After spending most of the day with Watterson clan members who warm my heart and soul and never skimp on compliments, I found myself crashing the birthday party of an old school mate. It was fun to see so many people. I love that Facebook has kept so many of them in touch. And I love that with age and maturity, a majority of my teenage insecurities melt away as I have the chance to reconnect with some of those old friends.
Definitely loving the visit home!
Friday, April 22, 2011
High School Reunion - Pt. I
A last minute text message found me at the home of two good friends from High School, the Girons. Schenck and Lopez were there too. It was so great to sit around and share memories and insults and laugh and laugh and laugh to tears! It almost is enough to move back to Colorado for!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Mosiah 18:8-9
And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;
Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
My prayers and thoughts continue to be with the family of Lorne Schmunk.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
What I Learned in Church Today: Sharing Joy
One of today's speakers shared a story of a friend who battled severe physical obstacles for 37 years but only ever passed on joy into the lives of others. And it's left me wondering...what do I pass on to the lives of others?
For some reason, it's the challenges and frustrations that seem the most fun to talk about. As a storyteller of sorts, those make the very best stories. And those very best stories tend to satisfy all audiences. So those are the stories I tell.
I have to wonder if any "joy" is passed on in those moments. Sure, there are a few short-lived moments of hilarity and/or entertainment, but are those conversations enriching the lives of the hearers? Are my values and beliefs being communicated?
I have so much, and I think of myself as a generally happy person...but I have to those around me know that? Is that what I share with them? Do I leave those around me feeling uplifted?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
In preparation for this upcoming cinematic gem:

A small group of shameful, yet unashamed, friends escaped for a marathon of Furious proportions. We took detailed notes of crucial plot features including fantastic one-liners listed below. Honestly, after ingesting all of that, I'm legitimately convinced that I can write a screenplay with some level of success!

A small group of shameful, yet unashamed, friends escaped for a marathon of Furious proportions. We took detailed notes of crucial plot features including fantastic one-liners listed below. Honestly, after ingesting all of that, I'm legitimately convinced that I can write a screenplay with some level of success!
Some of these stand alone, but admittedly, some require context (which I'm too sleepy from the all-nighter to detail):
The Fast and the Furious
- I smell skanks....better leave before I put treadmarks on your face.
- This is yours whether you win or lose...but if you win, you get her too.
- You can't detail a car with the hood on.
- I live my life a 1/4 mile at a time.
- Ok...go time!
2 Fast 2 Furious
- He did the "stare and drive" on you, didn't he? He learned that from me.
- We hooongry!
- Look at the bubble on that!
- It's gettin' real thick real quick!
- I got a problem with 'thority!
- If I was makin' money I'd get that mole removed from my damn nose!
- Guns, murderers, and crooked cops...I was made for this bro!
- You're a good driver, man!
- Don't drop the soap big homie!
Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift
- It's not the ride, it's the rider.
- Why don't you nice boys let your cars do the talking?
- Can I get a copy of that?
- Hey mammy, you sexy...hey mammy, you sexy...hey mammy, you sexy
- A nail that sticks out, gets hammered.
- This is my Mexico.
- I have money, it's trust and character I need around me.
- For want of a nail, the horseshoe is lost...
Fast & Furious
- Ride or die!
- Maybe you're the good guy pretending to be the bad guy, ever think about that?
- This ain't the cub scouts!
- Now go on, your bleeding on my floor.
- Sorry car.
- The thumb print is for the boss, the cell number is for me.
- To the ladies we've loved, and the ladies we've lost.
- I'm one of those boys that appreciates a fine body regardless of the make.
- You looked under my hood?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Unemployment Perk: #4,728
Mid-week escape to Sundance for a guilty-pleasure movie marathon!
If I get over the "guilt" I might tell you what we're watching :) ( might have something to do with Vin Diesel).
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I loved the tradition so much that I remember trying to recreate it with Dough Boy after I got my didn't really take.
And I don't think I've had a public library card since I was 16 years old.
Last week, while at the Carl Bloch exhibit at BYU, I popped into the Adam Bateman exhibit and saw this:
...and it really whet my appetite for books and that real good old book smell that only comes from library books.
So I finally stopped in today and got my Library Card! In addition to all of the nostalgia, I've realized what a smart fiscal resource this is! Books and DVDs and CDs and Periodicals and Cookbooks and AMAZING PEOPLE WATCHING!!!! I may never pay for entertainment again!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
My bestie from the college days, K.P., called tonight with the very best news...she's expecting her first baby! I LOVE IT!
Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm so well practiced in the art of being rejected that I anticipate it regardless of the other person's true intent. (I'm sure the chant isn't helping!).
This all leads to me maybe, or maybe not, having a date on Wednesday. After it all plays out, either Salty (thinks it is) or myself (thinks it isn't) will be crowned foolish.
Saturday night, Salty and I attended a birthday party. She and I were sitting on the couch with a male friend...Salty was sitting in the middle. Mid-conversation, the male friend asks "Do you want to catch a movie Wednesday night?" and I immediately respond with "Salty can't go that night..." and she immediately cuts me off with "He wasn't asking me". Awkward....
But....he clearly wasn't asking me specifically....right? wrong? All I know for certain is that he'll be here at 6:00 Wednesday night to pick me up alone. I'm convinced it's an outing of friends...others are convinced it's a date...we all agree that if he pays for the tickets, I can count it for April's date.
I need a dating coach. I can dish it, but it's becoming more obvious that I can't take it.
**Updated to confirm that I'm the fool. It's been rescheduled for Saturday and it is a date. I'm so thickheaded.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
What I Learned in Church Today: Attitude (re-visited)
On the first Sunday of every month, the congregations of our church Fast together. It can be an opportunity to focus your prayers and thoughts and faith...or, if you take a lazy and unprepared approach, it's an opportunity to go hungry for 24 hours.
Because last week was our broadcast General Conference, our congregation postponed our organized fast to this Sunday...which I did not prepare for and realized late on Saturday evening. I always believe that there is value in obedience for obedience's sake...but man, does obedience for love's sake trump it! My lame approach left me flipping through my mental cookbook dreaming of spaghetti and sandwiches.
So while no formal lesson was learned from those at the pulpit, I was reminded that I so much more enjoy a prepared Fast.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Not mine of course...I can't think of anything I have that anyone would want...except for my friends, and I'm not willing to give those up.
But my friends have cool stuff! Check out my homegirl Sari:
Friday, April 8, 2011
The King's Speech
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Ms. Jackson!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
He'll Never Love You
I'm feeling a little longing for my former "crush". I had hoped that time and space would do what time and space has always done, and that I'd be soooooo over it by now. But this was a good one, and he's still got some hold on me.
The worst part is that in an effort to keep from slipping back into old habits, I've adopted the following mantra:
"He'll never love you. He'll never love you. He'll never love you..."
Logically I know it's a terrible line to have running, marquee style, through my mind. But I don't know what else to do as I resist the urge to do what I can to go back in time.
So I'll wash my face, and brush my teeth, and climb into bed chanting "He'll never love you" as I drift off to sleep...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Fear of Commitment
I think I have a case of commitmentphobia. Which seems strange to apply to a girl who has dedicated her whole life to religious and spiritual commitments that many believe are impossible to "commit" to.
There are two excerpts from from Wikipedia's page "Fear of Commitment" that caught my attention:
1.) Fear of commitment in much popular literature refers to avoidance of long-term partnership and/or marriage but the problem is often much more pervasive, affecting school, work, and home life as well.
2.) The key to understanding commitmentphobia is recognizing that such behavior is rooted in fear—fear of lost options or fear of making poor decisions. The commitmentphobic mind sees decisions as permanent, opening the possibility of being caged or trapped forever with no means of escape.
Um...not a shocker. I can't commit to buying a home, a career path, a hairstyle. I've been able to avoid consumer debt because I rarely commit to a clothing/shoe purchase. I reply to many social invitations with a "I'll try my best to make it!" because I just can't be locked in.
So I circle back to my first observation...How have I managed to commit so fully to a lifestyle considered restrictive and controlling by many and never feel caged in by those decisions?
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Domestication of Kimi D

I don't remember formal lessons from my mother, but I have a hard time remembering back far enough when I wasn't helping with domestic chores. And I don't believe that there is a better way to teach. There aren't any homemaking tasks that totally freak me out or present an obstacle I can't tackle...that's some gooo-oood mothering, no?
I've been settling in to the new place and it's required some dusting off of skills I'd forgotten. But they return so easily and I'm so grateful that I have them. I'm especially thankful for the confidence I've been given in the kitchen. The ability to take what is available and create a healthy and tasty meal is invaluable, and once again, something I can attribute to Sheri.
I'm a very lucky girl!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Conference Weekend
This weekend was our April 2011 session and as I sit in reflection, I find myself in an ironic combination of inspiration and anxiety. Inspiration because these weekends provide the time and focus I need to inventory my priorities and then apply the counsel in pursuit of those things. Anxiety because I measure short in most of the areas that are important to me.
But I have maturity on my side this round. And I think I'm better understanding what it means to experience the ride of life...To learn from the disappointments...To celebrate in the victories...To acknowledge a constant increase in the good in my life.
So, I'll take these nuggets of insight and apply what I can...And look forward to becoming closer to who I want to be in time to start the process again in October!
Saturday, April 2, 2011

It all started with frustration around NPR's "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me". I could so rarely schedule the 11:00 a.m. Saturday air time into my week. But I craved it because....well, if you've heard an episode you get it, right? Intelligent, informed wit! Sexy right?
Anyhow, I thought perhaps these mystical Podcasts might include my little indulgence, but I ignorantly assumed that there would be a cost and you know where I stand on paying for things you can have for free.
Then one day, I found myself with hours and hours every day to fill up with things that I have always wanted to fill my days with, and...well, the details are fuzzy now, but I found them.. ten archived episodes!
My first obsession was to listen to every available "Wait, Wait" which I did with the intensity of an addict. But then, finding myself days away from the next airing, I went digging, curious to see what else might be out there. And guess what! There are a bajillion things you can listen to for free through Podcasts! And I have only begun to scratch the surface.
I will do a little plug and let you know that The Girl Who Writes Some Stuff (this blog), is a big fan of everything she's listened to from the How Stuff Works Podcast series. And that she's currently devouring the Stuff You Should Know archives. And she's not sure how this turned into a third person post...
So, Stuff You Should Know is totally Denney Geek Chic. Every episode makes me want to call at least one of my brothers to talk about some aspect of what I've learned. Sometimes it's near torture to have to listen alone without a chum to chat with! But today nearly killed me!
Seriously, I almost died. I was driving on the freeway listening to the 2.22.2011 episode about How Tickling Works and I started laughing...and that laughing escalated...and then the laugh tears started...and then my vision was affected....and then I really thought I needed to pull over, or pull it together, or die.
If you are ticklish, you should listen to it...but not while operating heavy machinery. It wouldn't be safe!
Friday, April 1, 2011
About Yesterday's Ugly Post...
Yesterday's post was not attractive. And while I'm sorry that I subjected even one friend to having to read it through, I have been thoughtful about it and I feel motivated to get it together soon!
Many of my recent conversations have followed this pattern:
Other Person: So what are you doing for work?
Me: I recently left my position with an internet marketing between jobs I guess.
Me: I recently left my position with an internet marketing between jobs I guess.
Other Person: (uncomfortably) Oh...well what would you like to be doing?
Me:, that's the problem...I don't really know.
Other Person: (nervously) Ha ha, what have you always wanted to do?
Me: Dance back up for Janet Jackson.
Other Person: (relieved) HA! That's so funny.
Me: I wasn't being funny. It really is the only job I've ever dreamed about having.
Other Person: Oh...?...Um...?...Huh...
If Janet weren't retired, and I weren't middle aged, that conversation might not be so awkward.
I want to have better answers...and not really for the sake of "Other Person", but for my own sake. Ambition, drive, focus, passion...those are things I find attractive in any person (man/woman, old/young, married/single). I am quite certain others feel the same, and in that regard, I am one ugly lady these days!
So watch out! I've assembled my pre-General Conference list of questions and I am ready to be instructed!
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