Monday, September 26, 2011


When it comes to friends, I am spoiled rotten.

My best friend from Colorado came to stay for 4 days after my parents left. She came with no agenda other than nursing me to health. We spent most of the time talking. Talking about the past, talking about the present, talking about the future.

My favorite thing about Kara is that she is a central figure in nearly all of my laugh until you cry memories. Some of my most favorite stories to retell at a party or to liven up a dull conversation are stories that somehow involves Kara. And she has a knack for bringing out a side of me that I'm rather fond of...everything has a funny slant when she's around.

Of course there was some heavy conversation...but it is such a blessing to have a friend that will let you talk freely with no punishment or judgement.

We don't see or speak as often as we should and I hope to do better. But I so appreciate that she's the kind of friend that is all quality regardless of quantity.

I am a very lucky girl.

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