Sunday, January 15, 2012

What I Learned in Church Today: The Love of God

The Sunday School lesson was about "Lehi's Dream" found in 1 Nephi chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 15. In chapter 11, the 'love of God' is referenced 4 times. As I read, I asked myself if I understood what the love of God is? How is it manifest? Can I identify evidence of it in my life? With some thought, I was confident, that I don't have any good answers to those questions and that I have a lot of studying to do.
So I guess I didn't really learn enough about the love of God to share my thoughts...I just identified a topic that I would like to study further. There seems to be a lot of literature available for the study, but I'd love for you to share scripture or links to literature on the topic in the comments section!

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