Wednesday, April 13, 2011


One of my favorite series of childhood memories come from the Adams County Public Library. My mom would take us fairly regularly and it felt like we would leave with at least a dozen books each! Sometimes, she'd spoil us with a "three olive thing" (an Enchirito...they used to come garnished with 3 sliced olives along the top) from Taco Bell on the way home.

I loved the tradition so much that I remember trying to recreate it with Dough Boy after I got my didn't really take.

And I don't think I've had a public library card since I was 16 years old.

Last week, while at the Carl Bloch exhibit at BYU, I popped into the Adam Bateman exhibit and saw this:

...and it really whet my appetite for books and that real good old book smell that only comes from library books.

So I finally stopped in today and got my Library Card! In addition to all of the nostalgia, I've realized what a smart fiscal resource this is! Books and DVDs and CDs and Periodicals and Cookbooks and AMAZING PEOPLE WATCHING!!!! I may never pay for entertainment again!

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