Sunday, May 29, 2011

What I Learned in Church Today: Behavior Change

President Boyd K. Packer, April 1997 General Conference:

"I have long believed that the study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than talking about behavior will improve behavior."
I had three thoughts sprout from this qoute:

1.) My own behavior. I am constantly reading books and articles and talking things out with friends hoping to finally hit the trigger to improve myself. Rather than studying the gospel from an academic approach and looking for general enlightenment, I need to better integrate what I've learned into the process of improving myself.

2.) As a teacher of the gospel. As I learn and understand the doctrine, my only concern should be to teach the truth of this doctrine. As individuals come to understand the truths, The Spirit will teach them the specifics of how it can improve their life.

3.) As I council with friends and family. I should strive to discuss and see things from an eternal perspective and spend less time just rehashing. If I am able to apply experiences to my understanding of the doctrine, my testimony of those things will be improved. As my testimony improves, I will better be able to share it with others.

I will begin with the Doctrine of Love and the Doctrine of The Atonement.

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